Cyndi’s List/Germany


About Them:

Cyndi’s List is a website that provides links to genealogy resources on the internet. The Germany section of Cyndi’s List provides a curated list of links to genealogical resources specifically related to researching family history in Germany.

The resources listed on Cyndi’s List Germany include websites with historical records, such as census records, church records, and military records, as well as online archives, libraries, and museums. There are also links to online forums and message boards where researchers can connect with others who are researching German ancestry and share tips and information.

In addition to its genealogy resources, Cyndi’s List Germany also includes links to general information about German history, culture, and language, as well as travel information for those planning a trip to Germany.

Overall, Cyndi’s List Germany is a valuable resource for anyone researching their German ancestry and looking for online resources to aid them in their research.


genealogy, resources, Germany, family history, historical records, census records, church records, military records, online archives, online libraries, online museums, forums, message boards, German ancestry, history, culture, language, travel.