German Genealogical Societies by FamilySearch


About Them:

The website is a wiki page hosted by FamilySearch, a non-profit organization that provides genealogical research resources and services. The wiki page provides information about German genealogical societies that can be helpful to individuals researching their family history.

Genealogical societies are organizations dedicated to the study and preservation of family history and genealogy. German genealogical societies specifically focus on researching family histories and genealogies of individuals with German ancestry. The wiki page lists several German genealogical societies and provides information about their history, purpose, membership, and services. Some of the societies listed on the page also have websites or social media pages that individuals can visit to learn more about their specific offerings.

The page also provides helpful tips and resources for individuals interested in joining a German genealogical society or researching their German ancestry. This includes information on how to find and access German genealogical records, as well as links to other helpful resources like German language dictionaries and online forums for genealogical research.

Overall, the website is a helpful resource for individuals looking to research their German ancestry and connect with genealogical societies that can provide additional support and resources.


German genealogical societies, Family history research, Genealogical societies in Germany, Tracing German ancestry, German language dictionaries, Online forums for genealogical research, FamilySearch wiki, German genealogy records, Researching family histories in Germany, German genealogy resources, German genealogy websites, German genealogy social media pages