Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS)



About Them:

The Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) is an organization that provides resources and support for individuals and groups interested in genealogy and family history research in Eastern Europe and neighboring regions. The organization was founded in 1992 and has members from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia.

FEEFHS serves as a central hub for genealogical research in Eastern Europe, providing a range of resources to its members and the public. These resources include online databases, research guides, and access to professional genealogists who specialize in Eastern European research. The organization also hosts an annual conference, which brings together experts and enthusiasts to share knowledge and discuss new developments in the field.

One of FEEFHS’s main goals is to promote the preservation and sharing of historical records and documents from Eastern Europe. The organization works with archives and libraries in the region to help digitize and make accessible a wide range of historical materials, including church records, census records, and other primary source documents.

FEEFHS also provides a forum for members to connect and collaborate with each other, sharing research tips and resources, and building a community of people with a common interest in Eastern European genealogy and family history.

Overall, the Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) is an important resource for anyone interested in researching their Eastern European ancestry. The organization provides access to a wealth of resources and expertise, and helps to foster a community of people dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich cultural heritage of the region.


Federation of East European Family History Societies, FEEFHS, resources, support, genealogy, family history, Eastern Europe, databases, research guides, professional genealogists, annual conference, historical records, documents, archives, libraries, digitization, community.