Social Media

We have our Facebook group up and we would like to show it to you and start getting followers:

Here is our general facebook page and a description of how/why to use:

Michigan Germanic Genealogical Society:  This is our general site.  The board posts events and meeting information here.  Useful links to research, webinars, and outside sites are always welcome, as well as information about Germany, German Culture, German immigration, and Germans in Michigan.  This is a great place to post questions for fellow members, and to get help in your research.

The address is as follows:

We currently have added two other groups that reflect work by our Social Media Chairperson –Shannon Gordon.

We are currently creating articles that we will publish on this page to describe this other page:

  • Collaborative Ancestry Project, SE Detroit German Churches
    • Collaborative Ancestry Project, SE Detroit German Churches.  This is a project we started in the fall of 2022.  We are creating a detailed map of where the members of Detroit’s many German immigrants lived, separating them by the churches they were connected to.  There are many documents to verify connections to churches, and residence locations.  We have mapped over 100 German families from southeast Detroit.  This project is a great way to share research methods and resources.  Anyone is welcome to get involved.  We have many unanswered questions, just waiting for someone willing to try to figure them out.  We hope to add more collaborative projects in 2023.
  • Germanic Genealogy in Michigan, Research and Discussion
    • This page can be used for more private discussions and is open to only members of MIGGS.  

You can click the links above if you are interested in joining these pages or just viewing the information on them.

Twitter Account:

Check out our Twitter account – follow us at @MichiganGGS
