The Michigan Germanic Genealogical Society is proud to be a partner and member society of the following organizations.

The International German Genealogy Partnership’s mission is to facilitate German genealogy research globally as the internationally recognized federation of German genealogy organizations.
IGGP Partners
- Ahnenforscher Stammtisch Unna
- All Things German Interest Group of the Greater Omaha Genealogical Society
- Anglo-German Family History Society England
- Brandenburgische Genealogische Gesellschaft “Roter Adler” e. V. (BGG)
- Dallas Genealogical Society – German Special Interest Group (Texas)
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft genealogischer Verbände e. V. (DAGV) including 65+ member societies
- Edmonton and Area chapter of American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Canada
- Familia Austria, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Genealogie und Geschichte
- FEEFHS – Foundation for East European Family History Studies
- GenchatDE (Twitter)
- GenealogiaRS – Pesquisas Teuto-Brasileiras Ltda. ME
- German Ancestral Studies at GoAncestry
- German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA, Washington, DC
- German-Australian Genealogy & History Alliance
- German-Bohemian Heritage Society
- German Genealogy Group, Inc. (GGG) New York
- German Genealogy in South Africa Facebook group
- German Genealogy Div. of Delaware Sangerbund & Library Assn.
- German Interest Group of the Hamilton County Genealogical Society, Ohio
- German Interest Group of the Inland Valley, California
- German Interest Group of the Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Oregon
- German Special Interest Group of the Genealogical Forum of Oregon
- German Special Interest Group (GSIG) of St. Louis Genealogical Society, Missouri
- German Special Interest Group of The Villages Genealogical Society Florida
- German Study Group, Larimer County (Colorado) Genealogical Society
- German Texan Heritage Society
- Germanic Genealogy Society based in Minnesota
- Germanic Genealogy Society of St. Louis
- Germanna Foundation
- Germans in St. Louis
- Guild of One-Name Studies, London, England
- Immigrant Genealogical Society, Inc.
- Instituto Martius-Staden in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- International Association of Germans from Lithuania
- Jefferson Genealogical Society
- Jewish Gen–Museum of Jewish Heritage
- Kentucky Genealogical Society
- Michigan Germanic Genealogical Society
- Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society
- Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e.V. (The Genealogical Society of Oldenburg)
- Ostfriesen Genealogical Society of America (OGSA) Minnesota
- Palatines to America Including 6 state chapters
- Pommern Regional Group of Minnesota
- Pomeranian Special Interest Group Inc.
- Roland zu Dortmund e.V.
- Sacramento German Genealogy Society
- San Diego Genealogical Society (German Interest Group), California
- Schleswig-Holsteinische Familienforschung e.V. (SHFam)
- Southern California Genealogical Society (SCGS) includes German Interest Group
- Stolper Heimatkreise e.V.
- The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe (SGGEE)
- Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen e. V.
- Westfälische Gesellschaft für Genealogie und Familienforschung (WGGF), Münster, Westphalia, Germany | website
Michigan Genealogical Council

The Michigan Genealogical Council (MGC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes; to coordinate, stimulate, promote genealogical activities; encourage and/or facilitate preservation of genealogical records, and provide information to members and the public.