
Welcome to the Michigan Germanic Genealogical Society!

We also are in the process of sending our renewal notices out as well as new member notices for any persons who have inquired about membership. If you have not received your notice yet, you may go to the Join Us tab on the main menu and you can print, complete and send it in with money to become a member.

Our regular meeting schedule will be the second Monday of September, November, March and May at 7:30 pm.

Our new newsletter for June 2024 is currently available on the website under the “Newsletter” menu item at the top of this page.

It will be the first in a NEW format newsletter! Look for it, read it and give us feedback on what else you would like to see!

Latest new edition of the Partner Zeitung (MAY JUNE 2024) is now posted for download. Partner Zeitung is the newsletter of the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP.) Previous copies of their newsletter can be found on the IGGP website (iggp.org.)

It’s time to think about your 2024-25 membership!

Our membership year runs July 1 2024 to June 30, 2025 and we will soon be emailing current and future members to sign up for the new year. We have a great program planned out for the next program year (the list follows this paragraph). Our program funding is by your dues dollars completely as wnd Ed Redmere have no other fundraisers planned – so if you would like us to keep our programs at the high level with national speakers – join now for the 2024-25 program year! Go to the Join Us menu above, print the application, complete it and send your check to the address listed on the application.

Please consider joining or renewing as we work to provide the best programming.

Social Media

We have a new menu item – Social Media on menu bar at top of page that links to a new page containing links to our Facebook pages and our new Twitter account. Please feel free to click on the menu item to look at what we are doing to provide content (currently we have three different pages and 1 Twitter account).

Email changes:

Note: Due to some email difficulties we have had to replace our info@miggs.org email with information@miggs.org. Sorry for this and we appreciate your patience in this manner! We have attempted to replace them everywhere on our website!

Resources upgrading to a Resource List

We have changed the website menu item from Resources to Resource List. It is an alphabetical list of resources categorized in three separate categories:

  • Resource Articles
  • Resource Websites
  • Resource Videos

These may split out into other groupings/categories as we get more entered but for now those are the breakdown. Please look under Resource List and look thru the lists – if you find a bad link report it to information@miggs.org.


“The Voyages of Our German Immigrants” 

Speaker: Teresa Steinkamp McMillin, Certified Genealogist®  Description: Germans began immigrating to the United States in 1683, according to documented history. This talk will highlight significant aspects of the first four major ... Read more

Find out more
11 November 2024
MIGGS Zoom Meetings,
